Time for an update

July was a busy month. Deird & Denise’s birthday gave us an excuse for a weekend in CentreParks. What a great place for kids! Everything revolves around the large swimming pool that has more pools, slides and attractions than you can shake a bath-toy at. Kids floating everywhere- from the right distance it looks like a big bowl of kid-soup.

We stayed in a lodge on site, and although a little old, it was good. Plenty of room for the thousands that finally arrived.

Back of the lodge. And yes, we BBQed.


Inside. The Royal Family?


Poppy & Denise size up for a quick-draw gun-fight in the woods. 


Poppy tires of walking, and tries to hail a cab.




She liked the spa bath though! 



Here’s great shot of Millie- Lynne & Andy’s child. She’s a little older than Poppy, and cute as a button.


You can do nearly anything at Centre Parks. Mark & Denise went on the Elephant ride excursion. (OK- the photo isn’t really centre Parks, but it made you think…)


Here’s a cute one of Joe- in a “bunny suit’ we bought ages ago for Poppy when she was small. How cute does he look though? 


Poppy and a tiny hot-chocolate. Does she look calm? This could be a first..


Here’s Poppy in the park. We’ve had some great sunny days in Edinburgh recently, and in one of the parks they have a big sand-pit to play in. To make sand-castles, Poppy & I dug down a little to the wetter sand below, then found out that it smelt funny. We stopped making sand-castles shortly after.


Here’s the newest Hoody on the bloc. Here’s Joe.


My favourite photo for a while. Poppy, Joe and I. 



Aunty Anne and the kids.

















And wipe…






Charlotte and her Mum, Catherine, came to visit today- She’s trying to look cross-eyed, but can’t quite get there- well done for trying though..


Here’s Poppy and Charlotte sharing the trike. Charlie peddles, and Pops hangs on..


One Reply to “Time for an update”

  1. Lovely photos of a lovely day, thanks 🙂 See you all again soon we hope. The Boyle Girls xxx

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